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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1364
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2022 .15 .6504
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 9،
issue Number 79
The influence of the Russian school of socialist realism on the intellectual level of Persian novels
Elham Farzam (Author in Charge), Masoud Rouhani , Farzad Baloo , Ahmad Ghanipour Malekshah
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: During its historical and cultural relations with Iran, Russia was able to have a tremendous and necessary impact on the intellectual level of Iranian writers by creating and exporting the school of socialist realism. In fact, after the establishment of the new style in Russia and the emergence of the ideological role of art, the presence and abundance of party ideologies, especially after the first conference of Iranian writers in July 1325. Not only was Iranian writers influenced by those ideas and consequently the writing of party novels, but at some points (especially in the forties and fifties) the main themes of the country"s outstanding works were derived from the ideals and slogans of this movement.
METHODOLOGY: The present article is based on descriptive-analytical research method and written using library tools. The statistical population of the study also includes eight novels, four Russian novels: Gorky"s mother, how did steel melt? From Stravsky, Iron Flood by Sarafimovich, and Defeat by Fadiyev, and four Persian novels: Her Eyes by Alavi, The Daughter of a Peasant by Etemadzadeh, My Deer Husband by Ali Mohammad Afghani, and Neighbors by Ahmad Mahmoud.
FINDINGS: The most important intellectual components and ideas of socialist realism in Russian and Iranian novels are: "Party writing", "Populism and attention to the deprived masses", "Optimistic presentation of the work", "Type" "Construction", "evolution of characters", "apostasy", "showing the material roots of phenomena" and "realism".
CONCLUSION: Iranian novels have received an undeniable and undeniable influence from Russian novels written under the school of socialist realism. In fact, Iranian writers, as efficient, enlightened and directional intellectuals in political thought, by using the partisan ideas used by Russian writers in their novels, while creating similar works, introduce idealistic and revolutionary ideas into society.; Ideas that had not been presented in the intellectual sphere of Persian literature before. However, it should be noted that the intellectual similarities between Russian and Iranian writers are not exactly the same, and Iranian writers, despite being influenced, have made significant changes in light of different geographical and cultural conditions.
intellectual style
, Socialist realism
, Revolutionary ideas
, Party novels
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